As winter sets in, we get less daylight, with the sun setting earlier than in summertime. Snow clouds can also keep the sun hidden for a long time, which means it could be days before we get UV exposure. This is bad news for your tan, as you need more hours of direct sunlight than usual to get that complexion you desire; however, it’s wonderful news for skin recovery.
Wintertime is the perfect season for a laser treatment, as the skin needs as little UV exposure as possible after the procedure. Among the most popular treatments is the CUTERA® Excel® V+ laser, which can eliminate various skin imperfections. Keep reading to find out how this treatment can help you as well!
Why Choose CUTERA® Excel® V+ Laser?
CUTERA® Excel V+ laser is popular among women and men due to its precision. Once activated, the laser only targets the damaged tissue, leaving the surrounding healthy tissue unharmed. What’s even better is that it’s safe for every skin type, and the results are effective and long-lasting.
The Excel V+ laser is also gentle, bringing little potential for downtime and letting you get back to your routine as soon as possible. The same quality makes it perfect when all you want to do is cozy up to the fireplace, discomfort-free. Due to the integrated cooling agent with CUTERA® Excel® V+, the treatment comfort level is superior, especially when compared to similar procedures.
You should be able to see the first results of the CUTERA® Excel® V+ treatment within two to three months as the collagen matures and the excess pigment is removed. This means that your skin should be ready when spring turns a corner and you put your thick clothing to rest.
What Can CUTERA® Excel® V+ Laser Treat?
CUTERA® Excel® V+ laser can help treat various skin conditions, including the following:
Vascular Lesions
When dealing with excess redness caused by spider veins and rosacea, the Excel® V+ laser can help reduce the intensity of these skin blemishes. Using a green light laser, this treatment targets the broken blood vessels that cause spider veins and rosacea, closing them and gradually diminishing excessive skin redness.
Wrinkles and Fine Lines
The wavelengths of the 532nm laser delivered by CUTERA® are effective for photoaging, reducing the intensity of wrinkles and fine lines. As the laser penetrates the skin, it creates micro-injuries that trigger your body’s immune response to improve the appearance and quality of the skin.
Excess Pigmentation
The Excel® V+ laser uses 532 and 1064nm-wavelength lasers, which makes it a great ally against unwanted pigmentation. The light is absorbed by the pigment, which then breaks down and is eventually eliminated by your immune system. This makes the treatment a great ally against hyperpigmentation, but it can also be used for age spots, freckles, and other skin tone irregularities.
Acne Scars and Rough Skin Texture
If your skin texture looks rough due to atrophic acne scars or enlarged pores, the Excel® V+ laser can help you. As the treatment triggers a new production of collagen, it pushes the wall of those skin pits, filling and closing them gradually. Your skin should look more even after the procedure.
Stretch Marks
Stretch marks are the bane of everyone’s existence, as they linger even after you have reached your body goals. Some unlucky individuals have pigmented stretch marks, which look even more unappealing. The stretch marks should become less visible as the CUTERA® Excel® V+ laser targets the layers underneath and decreases pigment while promoting collagen production.
Beautiful Skin With Excel® V+
If you want to address issues like pigmentation or aging signs, Excel® V+ by CUTERA® is an excellent treatment option. With the ability to offer both practical and aesthetic benefits, it’s an ideal choice for those looking to rejuvenate the look and quality of their skin. Schedule an appointment today with Hotchandani Laser, Vein & Cosmetic Surgery to see improvements in your skin!
For more information about CUTERA® Excel® V+ Laser, contact Hotchandani Laser, Vein & Cosmetic Surgery at 920-497-9996. We have practices in Green Bay and Appleton where we can welcome you. As an alternative, you may fill out the provided online contact form, and we will get in touch with you shortly.