Address Your Skin Concerns With Revolutionary Photorejuvenation

brunette smooth skin

Dull or aging skin can have a tremendous effect on how a person feels about their appearance. At-home skincare can sometimes help with some skin conditions, but the best way to achieve a lasting improvement is with professional care from an experienced specialist. Photorejuvenation is one of the most successful treatments for textural and pigmentation concerns. 

This non-surgical approach to facial rejuvenation restores the skin by eliminating pigmentation issues and stimulating the production of fresh collagen. Patients who desire photorejuvenation can restore their complexion using Sciton® BBL™ or excel V™ technologies. These treatments are quick, relatively painless, and do not require surgery or extended downtime.

Common Skin Irregularities and Causes


  • Poor pigmentation: Many factors, including sun exposure and acne scarring, can contribute to an uneven skin tone. Pigmentation disorders can also cause the skin to appear blotchy or develop dark areas.
  • Redness: Redness may be caused by chronic vascular conditions (such as rosacea), varying degrees of acne, the natural aging process, or sun damage.
  • Uneven skin texture: Rough or wrinkled skin may be the result of aging, sun damage, acne breakouts, or hyperactivity of sebaceous glands. 
  • Enlarged pores: This condition can result from excessive production of sebum or develop over time as a person ages. 
  • Stretch marks: When the skin stretches too quickly, stretch marks can form. Weight gain, pregnancy, and growth spurts often lead to stretch marks. 


Photorejuvenation Technologies

woman beautiful soft skin

Those who seek photorejuvenation at Hotchandani Laser, Vein, and Cosmetic Surgery can benefit from modern and non-surgical treatment with Sciton® BBL™, excel V™, PicoSure®, and Secret™ RF microneedling. These state-of-the-art laser and radiofrequency devices produce excellent results and can target imperfections on the face, neck, hands, chest, and shoulders.   

Sciton® BBL™ 

Sciton® BBL™ can use a range of intense pulsed light (IPL) wavelengths to treat a broad spectrum of skin conditions, including acne, pigmented lesions, and vascular lesions. 

excel V™ 

The dual wavelengths delivered by excel V™ provide quick and effective results in patients with various types of vascular lesions and pigmentation issues. This laser device can treat rosacea, general redness, telangiectasias, and brown spots from sun damage.

PicoSure® Revitalization 

PicoSure® advanced technology prevents thermal damage during treatment, allowing for a more comfortable experience for patients who choose this method of rejuvenation. This revolutionary device also boosts the creation of youthful collagen and elastin for stunning, natural results. 

Secret™ RF Microneedling

By combining mechanical treatment with radiofrequency technology, Secret™ RF microneedling can address a variety of skin imperfections. With adjustable needle lengths, the Secret™ RF device produces customized results for patients suffering from mild-to-severe conditions. 

After Photorejuvenation 

After a photorejuvenation treatment, patients may experience temporary redness and swelling. However, these side effects tend to resolve within 48 hours, and results improve gradually as the skin rebuilds newer, healthier cells. Patients can go back to their usual routine immediately or within 24 hours, depending on the treatment. 

Multiple treatments may be needed to obtain the desired results. Depending on the severity and persistence of your condition, it may be recommended to schedule regular photorejuvenation sessions to maintain the outcome long-term. Avoiding unprotected sun exposure, smoking cigarettes, and excessive alcohol consumption can also prolong the effects of photorejuvenation. 


To find out if you are a candidate for photorejuvenation, please schedule a complimentary consultation at Hotchandani Laser, Vein, and Cosmetic Surgery. Contact us by calling our Green Bay location at 920-497-9996 or our Appleton location at 920-738-6666.